The Word of 2021

Finally found a word for the year. Let’s see if I can figure it out.

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Tech times three

Just like celebrity deaths, technology woes come in threes. Which is always fun since technology is so inexpensive to replace/repair and since it’s always so easy to work with.

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Watch out. She’s writing again.

I finally, for the first time in well over a month, have time and space to write. It feels amazing. And yet, I sit here and struggle to think of some topic worthy of committing to paper. Or screen, rather.

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Smile, work, ants, parents, ACTS, writing, SMILE

This morning I stopped at Starbucks on the way to work (I know, I know, you’re shocked), and when I hopped out of the car I saw some new green plants popping up in the parking lot landscaped berm. I am so happy to see green showing up everywhere, and buds on trees, that it makes me smile.

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Brave questions

Some days I feel very, very brave. I’ve got it all under control. I’m handling everything, getting things done, being the person I want to be. Some days I feel not so brave. Things are starting to slip, I can’t get anything done, and I’m not at all who I feel like being.

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1 & 2 of 30 (Gratitude Project)

Day 2
Every morning I walk my daughter to school, and then I walk home. It’s not far, but it’s just long enough for me to walk past the huge line of cars and be thankful that I don’t have to sit in it.

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6 of 30 (Gratitude Project)

Waiting for mass to start and we were both bored. I looked around at the architecture (we were not in our church so there were new things to observe) and whispered to my husband, “Do you think it’d be okay if I did some Instagrams while we’re waiting?” He scowled a proper Catholic scowl and said, “You need to find something to keep yourself amused that isn’t so obvious!” He looked away, Zoe and I looked at each other, and out came the iPhone. We used the front camera and held it down in our lap so no one could see. An unintended bonus was the flare we caught off the spotlights high above. I’m pretty sure we gave ourselves away after we started making funny faces and cracking ourselves up, which is when I got the sharp elbow from hubby. That only made us laugh harder.

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