tie dye


Tie dye buckets. In the rain.

We didn't let the rain slow us down! Awesome camping trip with my girl. She loved it, which makes this old Girl Scout so happy.

Down by the banks

Of the Hanky-pank

Where the bullfrogs jump

From bank to bank

Saying fee fi fo fum

Me say me say

Ding dang DONG!

I got a coupla songs and games to bring back to the troop, and we laughed and laughed. Great weekend.

This afternoon, we got our M back. He's been gone a week, and it felt like the longest week ever. So glad to have him home.

Made him homemade bleu cheese burgers and baked fries tonight, along with fresh guac.

Happy Father's Day to the incredible dads in my life. Dad, Papa, my FIL, my hubster, my BIL Shawn, and my bro Matt, not to mention dad-to-be BIL Steve. Good men, all. Incredible examples of what it truly means to be a dad.

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