February 10, 2013 by Amy
Last May, at Zoe's school picnic, it sounded like a great idea to register for the Drinks, Dancing and Dodgeball sign-up party. (Sign-up parties, for those of you who don't know, are parties hosted by parents who generously pick up the tab for enormous parties while allowing the "price" of the party, paid by guests, to go back to the school. We signed up for three this year: the First Grade Back-to-School Swim Party at which the children were present, the Red Solo Cup Party at which they weren't, and tonight's DD&D). Most of the first grade parents were going so we knew it'd be a good time.
I mainly signed up for the drinks and dancing part, figuring I'd leave the dodgeball part to M. I didn't want to stun people with my athletic prowess. We got an email last week, however, letting us know that unless we had a doctor's note we would be playing. Teams were already assigned. Since I didn't have enough chocolate to bribe the Ph.D. at work to write me a note, I was stuck.
I was somewhat relieved tonight when we arrived and discovered that couples had been split up. With M and I on separate teams, I could stop worrying about the health of our marriage. (For those of you who may not know, M is just a weensy bit competitive. And I'm not so great at dodgeball, or any other sport for that matter, except air hockey, go-cart racing and Wii fencing, at which I kick ass.)
Turns out we both had an absolute blast. My team miraculously came in 2nd, M's in 3rd. The people there were so much fun, as they always are. I am convinced one of the reasons God made us wait 2 years to have a baby was so our kid would be in the same class as the kids of all these other parents.
I escaped injury, had fun, and danced. All with my best friend and a ton of other people we like. What more could a girl ask for?!
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