

So this happened today, unexpectedly. We had been talking about upgrading me from the iPhone 4 to the 5 for Christmas. The 4's button started sticking a few weeks ago, plus I had pretty much filled it up. Had only half our music collection and regularly ran out of space with all my images. The lack of space was causing it to act sluggishly, and I was salivating over the camera in the 5 anyway.

Today we headed to the mall for some Christmas shopping and M suggested we stop in the AT&T store to see how much a 5 would be, since I'm eligible for an upgrade. We found out (it was reasonable, but still pricey) and continued on. Then he mentioned that his boss had traded in his old iPhone for a new one, and Best Buy had given him fifty bucks for the old one. Within minutes we walked by a Best Buy mobile store and figured we'd see what they could offer.

Well, they offered $145 for my old phone, plus $50 off the new 5. Holy crap. Sold!

They botched some of the transfer and I lost a few pix from the last couple of days, but everything else seems to be fine.

Santa came early this year, and he looks suspiciously like M.

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