September 11, 2012 by Amy
Holy cow…I'm back!
Despite waking up WAY late today (yikes! Zo! We gotta GO!), I had an awesome day of feeling like me again. No pity party, no crankiness, no feeling of hanging on by my fingertips.
I think part of it was coming off a great weekend where I managed to get a bunch of stuff done so I sorta feel slightly caught up, and the other part was that I had only one meeting at work today and therefore was able to get a boatload of tasks accomplished.
After work, I picked up Zozer with energy to spare. We stopped at Walgreens and got her baby pictures for her Mystery Person packet (that's not due until Friday…I am on it!) and tried to stop by the salon to buy some hair product that I'm dangerously close to being out of. They were closed. 🙁 I better get by there tomorrow or I won't be able to fit my frizz head in the car.
We came home and I whipped up my yummy veggie stir fry with tofu that Zoe loves so much. That and a small salad made a good, healthy meal. About damn time! In fact, I did well all day today, so I might score a mini ice cream for a treat later. Or I might not. It seems my willpower has finally returned. (Why does willpower completely disappear in times of stress? When I'm happy, it's all, "Why yes, I'd rather have that apple instead of a Snickers bar," and when I'm losing my shit it's all, "M&Ms and caramels and toasted ravioli and cheesecake nom nom nom…" Which only makes me stress out more because I'm eating crap and I know it, which makes me eat more garbage…it's a nasty, nasty cycle.)
Was going strong after dinner so I went out and washed the Corvette. It was spotty from a 10-minute rain when I drove it to work last week. Tsk tsk. Was bugging the hell out of me that it was sitting in there all dusty and spotty. I had magnified how bad it looked in my head and was pleasantly surprised to see it was in better shape than I thought. Still needed a wash though.
Zoe and I had this conversation while I washed:
"Why are YOU washing the car?"
"Because it's dirty."
"Did Daddy TELL you to wash the car?"
Okay, between this chat and her asking me last week why I drove "Daddy's Car," it's evident we need to change some perceptions around here.
Or I need to get my own Corvette. Yes, let's go with that.
So now the kiddo is in bed and the trash is at the curb and West Wing is on the boob tube and I'm a happy camper.
Off to take care of a few other little things before I try to get an early bedtime to avoid this morning's craziness.
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