

Zoe had a soccer clinic at school tonight to kick off the season. She had a blast with her friends, and I got to hang out with mine. Love the mom who brought a cooler packed with ice pops for the kids and beer for the parents!

We miss seeing everyone over the summer. The kids are all in different camps, or no camps at all if they have a stay-at-home mom or dad. Vacations and family visits and all kinds of other stuff keep us all pretty isolated from one another.

The return of school, though…so many benefits. The routine is just one of them, and seeing all our friends another. We have a phenomenal community there and I fully recognize how great that is, and how grateful I should be.

Missing M even more tonight; I know he'd have had a blast, too. (And our hurried evening would probably have gone a lot smoother with two parents to get things done!)

Already 9 and I am already beat. My good intentions to get things done tonight are evaporating. Zo's brushing her teeth now…we'll see if I can rustle up some energy after I get her into bed.

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