July 30, 2012 by Amy
home sweet home
Home! Home at last!
And I finally mean really and truly home. Because rolling in around 4 and then leaving again a little over an hour later doesn’t constitute being home.
But now, at midnight, I’m well and truly home. My little family is snoring logs, and everything feels just as it should be.
What a day! Drove across half of Kansas and all of Missouri. Made a few rest stops and ate lunch. Said farewell to our traveling companions of the last 13 days. Unloaded the car. Picked up The Bug. Inspected the new foundation. Got gas and a car wash (Zoemobile, NOT the Corvette which desperately needs both gas and a car wash but which requires M’s personal, loving touch for the latter). Fed the Child. Showered the Child with gifts. Changed clothes. Attended Train concert with The Girls. Ran into best friend before and during concert (I love unexpected treats!). Purchased t-shirt and CD for opening act (Mat Kearney – highly recommended). Hit Jack-in-the-Box for 11 p.m. dinner. Returned home. Unpacked bags. Sorted laundry. Put away various items so tomorrow’s return to work isn’t hectic. Or as hectic as it could be. Got the Child’s things ready for a new camp tomorrow. Kissed sleeping Child and breathed in her smell, her sweet goodness, and marveled at her all over again.
And last but not least: updated the blog. As with yesterday, POTD above and the rest of the day in chronological order below…sunrise to concert.
Methinks it’s time for bed.
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