

Today started with a morning run through Spearfish Canyon, followed by a trip to Wyoming to see Devils Tower. It was breathtaking. We did the short 1.3 mile hike around the base, which was a perfect complement to the 3 miles I did on the treadmill in the morning. Again, lots of pix with the Nikon.

Back at the hotel to edit a few group photos for the Club (I've realized that I'm in a "now or never" mode with my photography), a self manicure, and a free drink at the bar before walking to the Deadwood Social Club for an awesome dinner. We had a small group tonight, but man oh man did we laugh. My gut hurts right now. I'm not kidding. Holy fun.

Later we hooked up with most of the rest of the Club for more laughing, then M and I caught the dollar trolley back to our hotel.

I continue to be ever mindful of, and grateful for, these experiences. My life isn't at all how I imagined it would be as a child, or even what I thought I wanted a decade ago. It's far, far better. The friends we have collected, the marriage we have built, the memories we have made…it really doesn't get any better than this.

Except that we got even more good news today: while we are out here having a blast some very fine men are building our new home. Excavation and plastic soil mitigation is complete, and we now have footings and piers.

I feel like I'm on top of the world.

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