July 14, 2012 by Amy
everything’s coming up roses
After my walk this morning I felt thin. Well, thinnER.
Last week was a bust. Just too hard to keep up healthy eating with parties and barbecues and dining out. I knew it going in, did my daily four miles as mitigation, and hoped for the best. Meh.
This week has been much better. Lots of fruit and veggies, little temptation, and my usual morning hour.
So after my shower today I dug some old shorts out of the dresser. It's been so long since I've been able to wear them that I don't even remember when I bought them. For the past few years I've been pretty much confined to two pairs of khaki shorts, and many times those have been tight. I guess you could call them my fat shorts.
I told M last week that we'd probably have to go shopping for new shorts before our trip, as I am now able to remove my trusty fat shorts without unbuttoning them. Then today I remembered a couple pair of shorts buried deep in the dresser drawer and wondered if they'd fit.
Holy cow! They not only fit, they're actually a little loose. I dug some more and found more treasures. No need to spend money – I'm going shopping in my own drawers! I rediscovered my closet a couple weeks ago and have been having a blast with that.
I'm down about two sizes (15 lbs) and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't feel awesome. I'm not done yet, but I'm already so much happier with how I look and how I feel that I'm gonna go ahead and call it a success.
It's amazing to me how much being a healthier size changes everything. Dressing up is fun again. Shopping is fun again (much to M's dismay). Getting out and doing things has more appeal than my couch. Even driving feels better – I feel like I actually fit in my seat again. I don't feel like a heavy blob standing next to my smaller friends. I have a waist again.
These are all good things.
And because I'm not one of those women who pretends to be superhuman and able to go it alone, I'll divulge the secret to my success. It's no secret, really. It's a proven system that has worked for millions, including the fabulous Ms. Jennifer Hudson and (the fabulous?) me. Weight Watchers!
I joined with a friend a couple months ago and it has been great. I don't lose every week (and in fact have even gained through some – hello Independence Day holiday), but it's pretty consistent. And because the system focuses on eating the right foods my whole little family is eating better. Although M claims my veggie pushing is having not so subtle gaseous effects on his abdominal organs.
Last week my meeting leader said, "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Man, she ain't kidding.
Awesome new job, building a new home, and getting my body back. Throw in a two-week trip to the Black Hills and Yellowstone in my kick-ass Corvette with my kick-ass husband and kick-ass Corvette friends and it's almost more than a girl can take.
I'll give it a shot, though. 😉
Ping - July 14, 2012 @ 1:51 pm
Hey fabulous you! Congrats on the 15 lbs. That's quite an accomplishment! I remember back at the beginning of your journey when we had lunch at Stir Crazy. And look how long you've stuck with it!!!! Very impressive, I must say. Great work. Hmmmm. Me thinks perhaps I should follow your shining example and perhaps try WW. Hmmm.
I'm so happy for all the wonderful things happening for you. Life is just good sometimes, isn't it? Maybe sometime soon we can meet at my new favorite restaurant Gulf Shores for some grilled fish and vegetables with sweet tea.
Keep up the good work. You'll need to wear a name tag the next time I see you–you'll be so healthy and thin!!