Photo teamwork, photo love

M sends us regular shots while traveling internationally, which we love. Every morning I wake up and the first thing I do is grab my phone because I know I'll have at least four or five images waiting to be downloaded. We get lots of meal shots, street shots, and assorted other views. Many time he accompanies them with funny quips or interesting info. Every once in awhile, though, he'll send me something that makes me gasp. This was it today. It needed a bit of work, so I saved it to my phone and Instagrammed it (cropping, filter application, and exposure adjustment for this one). And I really love how it turned out. He did the hard part…he got the bare bones of a really great shot. I just stuck some lipstick on it. From the solitary figure in the street to the crosswalk lines at the bottom to the three lanterns in the upper left…even the little pops of color scattered throughout. Awesome job, M!Shot by Husband with Blackberry in Tokyo Thursday morning. Edited by Wife with iPhone in St. Louis Wednesday night. I love technology!

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