My favorite football player

When my sister e-mailed my nephew’s football schedule out a couple months ago, I entered every game into my calendar.  I’ve only been able to make it to three, ’cause I was out of town for the first few.  I love going to his games.  Zoe went to the last two with me, and M the last one.  We have so much fun, and I don’t think I could be more proud of Joey.  Last game I remembered to dig out my Mizzou alum pom poms, little black and gold ones.  He’s a South County Tiger, so the colors were appropriate and Zo got a kick out of waving them around.

The first game I attended, I lugged along the big camera with the 70-300mm lens.  I don’t get to use it much because it’s slow as crap and therefore can only be brought out on bright, sunny days.  The game was perfect.  I’d have done much better with a monopod and better field access, but I think I got some decent shots.  I sent all the standard color ones to his mom, and played around with my favorites for me.  Black and white, bizarre cropping, including the insanely close one of his face.  It gets noisy, but I like it.  He just seems so grown up there…but I still remember the tiny boy I held almost 9 years ago.  The boy who, for the first time in my life, made me want to have a child of my own.

Anyway, I finally got around to processing these images.  They’re from a few weeks ago.

We love you, #79!

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