For M, in Denmark

M is thousands of miles away right now, on a business trip in Denmark.  We get to talk briefly, once a day, at around 6 or 6:30 p.m.  Which is well past midnight his time.  Last night we were lucky enough that he was in his hotel room and we were able to do a video chat over the Internet.  He looked exhausted (jet lag + Danish pub hopping three nights in a row will do that to you) but happy.  He lit up when he saw Zozer.

I’ve taken to sending him daily e-mail updates that he can read at his leisure.  How Zozer is doing in her new room at school, family gossip, etc.  I think he needs some pictures, though, so here are a few taken the last part of May that I just hadn’t gotten around to posting yet.

This is her favorite bench at the custard shop near the train station.  We sit here and eat our frozen custard and watch for trains.  It’s not a good night if we don’t see a train.

She used to look a lot like me.  As she grows, though, she looks more and more like M.  I can really see it in this one.

Who doesn’t love a bright red booth at a Mexican restaurant?  Light was just dim enough that I needed to use a flash (grrrr) so I have a bit of bounceback from the seat, but I like it nonetheless.

This one’s just for fun…playing around with levels in Photoshop.

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