Jeans and Keens

I’m not one of those people that walks around on Fridays touting, “TGIF!” Those people annoy me. It’s Friday. It comes around once every 7 days, and it’s typically a good thing that it’s finally here. Everyone loves Fridays. So it’s redundant to keep gushing about it.

Except for today. I really am glad it’s Friday. I have several reasons.
  • I get to wear jeans today. After 4.5 years of not having casual Fridays, I’m back to a company that allows it. And I love that. Love love love that. It’s sad that a simple thing like casual Friday is enough to get me stoked, but there it is.
  • With my jeans, I get to wear the most comfortable summer shoes ever invented. There are two camps when it comes to my shoes (which are green Keens, by the way): love ’em and “Dear gawd what the hell is strapped to your foot?” Having been recruited to the former camp by Stef, I simply laugh at those in the latter camp and say, “Try a pair on and you’ll be converted.” Which, come to think of it, is exactly what Stef used to say to me.
  • My trivia night is tomorrow. Which means that all the planning and scrounging and e-mailing and begging and organizing will be over. Am I glad I did it? Yeah, of course. It’s for a great organization that helps a lot of people struggling with infertility or going through the arduous adoption process. Will I do it again? Hell, no.
  • It’s a colleague’s birthday today, and my boss is bringing in bagels for everyone. ‘Nuf said.
  • And, you know, there’s that whole two-days-off thing that’s right around the corner.
While I won’t walk around the office cheerfully chirping “TGIF!” to everyone (because that would be annoying and worth throwing a stapler over), I will silently thank the world while sipping my mocha in the comfort of jeans and Keens.


  1. Anonymous - April 16, 2010 @ 2:24 pm

    ummmm…mocha…AMY MARGARET, U R IN TROUBLE!!!

  2.">Natalie Mikolajczak - April 16, 2010 @ 3:50 pm

    green keens, jeans, bagels.

    Oh yeah, that's a good friday.

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