Mondo Beyondo

I’m taking another class.

Before you start groaning and wondering, “Oh, jeez, am I going to have to put up with another term of listening to her whine about the work and the late nights and the stupid idiots in her class…” let me tell you that this isn’t that kind of class.

This class is about me, for me. Not for an employer, or a job, or a raise. Although in some ways it might lead to all that.

This class is about dreaming. About letting go of pre-conceived notions and nagging self-doubts and wondering “what if.” It’s about exploring my potential and living the life I want to live, each and every day.

It’s called Mondo Beyondo, and it looks like it’s gonna be fantastic. One of my friends took it earlier this year and says it’s great. Since she’s great, I trust her recommendations. So, the night of my going-away party, the eve of our leaving for Florida, when I had some beer-courage and more than a little bit of anxiety about an uncertain future, I took a deep breath and signed up.

I received my log-in and password last night, and spent some time figuring out where things are and how things work. My first assignment comes today, which is a good day since it’s a tough day already. I could use the distraction, the deliberate steering of my thoughts to something positive and uplifting. I may or may not blog about it here. Depends. It looks to get mighty personal, and while I’ll happily share stories of struggling to free myself from my own clothing while on a runaway treadmill, dealing with matters of the heart is much more personal. We’ll see how it goes.

In the meantime, I cleaned up the office, sorted and filed bills, and generally got myself organized. My brain can’t think freely if my house is cluttered. I still have a lot of work to do (both on the house and in my head), but at least I’m moving forward.

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