Will work for mochas

Sometimes the shit hits the fan, and all you can do is duck and defend yourself. Which is exactly what I did on Friday resulting in yours truly getting shitcanned from her job.

Now, before you go and get all sappy and worried and send me e-mails saying, “Are you okay?” know this: I am fine. I mean it. I am happy to have a resolution to a terrible work situation that has been growing progressively worse for months. Yes, I do realize unemployment is hovering around 10% right now. Yes, I do realize I’m competing against a gajillion other MBAs looking for work. But yes, I am confident that our frugal lifestyle will ensure our economic stability until I find something else, and I’m very grateful for the sound mental state that will be sure to return after I am finally gone (I have two weeks of my sentence left).

In the meantime, keep your eyes and ears open for anything marketing-related. Folks have been asking me what I’d like to do. My answer: “Anything where I can actually use my brain.” I would like to work for a company that values its employees, and preferably where the dress code does not stipulate solid neutrals. I’m sick of solid neutrals. I’m really not picky, and I don’t feel as though I’m asking too much. Oh yeah, and I’d like to actually get paid what I’m worth, which is a shitload more than what I’m making now (another reason I’m not too upset to be leaving).

By the way, should you like to know the details of last Friday, well, that’ll take some beer. You get me some cold Bud Select and I’ll sit down and spell out the whole sordid mess for you. Suffice it to say that I’ve had enough family drama to last me the rest of my life.

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