Grades and shopping and acid reflux

We got our final grades for the term last night. A’s for both of us. Which means that we made it through two years of grad school with all A’s. Wow.

M and I both think we probably did way more work than was necessary. We could have scaled back by half and done just fine. But we’re both people who believe in doing something whole-heartedly if you’re going to do it at all. So, looking back, I’m glad we didn’t scale back and settle for B’s. I’m glad we did the extra effort and can say now, proudly, that we’re graduating with academic honors. We didn’t just earn it…we learned it. Cheesy, I know, but true.

Yesterday we hammered out the bulk of our holiday shopping. We ditched Zozer over at her grandma’s and hit the road. Target. Wal-Mart. Kohl’s. Toys R Us. Schiller’s (although it wasn’t open yet) and another place I can’t name because it would give away what we were trying to buy (which wasn’t open on Sundays). Coupla quick stops along the way at a Handyman Hardware, Starbucks and Panera. All in all, a good day. Crammed M’s car full – it was fun! Like a little blue Santa’s sleigh. Now I have to wrap it all.

Any other year, I’d be grouching about all the work to wrap everything. Not this year. Sure beats slogging away at homework for hours on end. Besides, I set up my wrap station on my big kitchen counter, facing the enormous flat-panel TV, and watch flicks while I work. Not a bad gig at all. The key is to convince M to not put in 2001 or 2010 or The Day The Earth Stood Still or whathaveyou. We haven’t watched Christmas Vacation yet this year – that’ll be the movie of the night tonight.

In other news, I have now joined the legions of people who are Prilosec junkies. Sigh. After 36 years of having a stomach of steel, where nothing got me sick (not drinking, not motion sickness, not even questionable food), it’s come down to having to take a little pill and avoiding spicy food for awhile. Which blows because I love spicy food. However, in the future, I would like to avoid getting a chest x-ray (looking for pneumonia) and an EKG (looking for god knows what) at an urgent care center the week of a major holiday, so I will be a good girl and eat blandly. How boring of me. I do think it’s highly ironic that the acid reflux started after I finished with grad school. What the hell is up with that?

Can you believe it’s the week of Christmas? I can’t…but I’m happy it’s here! Fa la la la la, la la la laaaaaaaaaaaa!

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