Hi. We’re the Germysons!

Well, this is a most inauspicious start to our new-found freedom.

Sunday, I was diagnosed with a sinus infection from hell. Prescription: Amoxicillin.
Monday, M was diagnosed with strep. Prescription: Amoxicillin.
Today, Zozer woke up tossing her cookies and complaining of a sore throat. Possible strep. Prescription: Amoxicillin.

Good grief.

We all three spent the day at home, slouching about from couch to chair to floor pillow, half dazed and sick. I ran Zoe to the ped and she was a real trooper. Pretty sure it was all an act to get the cookies at the end, but I’ll take it whatever her motivation.

I did break out the camera for the first time in months, and made some images of my littlest patient. (The bigger one just looked dopey from all his meds, plus I couldn’t get him to don cute monkey PJs.) Music to my ears to hear that shutter click again.

Poor baby. This was early this morning, between the first and second of the three hurls. “Mommy. I throwed up. But I feel much better now.”

She’s almost back to normal tonight. Ate a good dinner, is keeping everything down, and isn’t complaining about her throat.

I think we’re all on the mend.


  1. Anonymous - December 16, 2009 @ 6:16 pm

    How is Zoe's neck not hurting the next day? Uncle you know who.

  2. https://www.blogger.com/profile/05465978050819239108">Amy - December 16, 2009 @ 6:45 pm

    Eh, she wasn't there for long. Her choice with that chair…I think she wanted to be near the Christmas tree. Rest of the morning was spent laying on a big floor pillow in front of the tree, watching it slowly turn, eyes glazed over…

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