September 3, 2009 by Amy
The poop cometh
And Mommy said, “Let there be poop!” and there was poop, and it was good, for it was in the potty – the second day.
As if the two going-pee-pee-on-the-potty occurances of yesterday weren’t enough, this morning, without much ado at all (a wee bit of hesitation, and then some extra -read: hilarious – grunting), she pooped.
I swear, at some point, I will stop writing about my child’s toileting. It’s just so damn exciting right now…the idea of not carrying a diaper bag. M keeps making “cha-ching!” sounds and thinking of ways to spend the extra money we’re going to save by not purchasing diapers. Zoe looks at him like he’s got two heads, shrugs, and stuffs M&M’s in her mouth.
She’s at school now; we were a bit late due to our pit stop on the potty this morning, and when I casually asked what she’ll do today when she has to pee, she casually responded (with no hesitation), “I’m going to go on the potty.” Yessssss!
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