
Victory is ours! Queue Chariots of Fire! Sound the trumpets!

She went pee pee on the potty. Twice.


Pee Pee #1
I arrived at Zoe’s school at about 4:40, armed with my cell phone (I normally don’t take it in) and determination. The plastic bag and old towels were in the car, just in case she actually lasted until 6 p.m. and the school kicked us out. The cell phone was to call M in case it really did take as long as I feared. By 4:42 I had the lowdown on the day from her teachers (two leaks…we were on outfit #3) and I had her sitting on the potty in the small restroom in her classroom. I sat nearby on a small chair. Her teachers and friends were all out on the playground, so it was just us. (In your mind right now, play that “showdown” music they always have in the background of the old westerns.) She fiddled and twitched and wobbled and demanded to get off. I stayed firm. “We’re not leaving until you go. Sit.” At 5:10, after much wailing and angst and tears, she couldn’t hold it anymore and she went. In the potty. With the obvious relief flashing across her face, I could also see the realization sink in that, “Holy cow, that didn’t hurt/wasn’t uncomfortable/didn’t make the world implode as I expected.” She stopped crying just as I felt tears spring to my eyes. Huge hugs, lots of cheers, and we both grinned like a coupla drunks. We ran outside to tell Ms. Pat and Ms. Caroline (and got a hug from friend Leah in the process), then ran to the other playground to tell our old teachers, Ms. Maria and Ms. Kendra. We then drove home to cheers from Daddy, and then we started making the calls. She was so thrilled to be able to tell everyone herself, that she went pee pee on the potty. She got her promised lollipop, too, and was just proud as a peacock.

Pee Pee #2
While M made dinner, Zozer and I got out her new set of Colorforms, delivered from Amazon today. As we sat playing in the library, I noticed she started rocking, bouncing, and just generally being twitchy. “Zo. Do you have to go pee pee?” “No.” We went back and forth like this for a few minutes, and then dinner was ready. She ate well, but was extremely fidgety. We asked several more times before I went, “Okay, we’ve had enough, we’re going to go sit on the potty.” She went willingly, pulling down her pants and Big Girl Underwear herself. Sat there for awhile, and although she started to work herself up a little, it didn’t get very far and she finally went again (it took 10-15 minutes, tops – about 1.5 readings of her new Pooh book from Great Aunt Mary). Hugs and cheers for the second time. A quick bath, then M&M’s to celebrate.

Holy smokes. We’re getting there. We’re really, finally getting there. Hallelujah.


  1. Ping - September 4, 2009 @ 10:21 pm

    Congratulations to Zoe, you and Mike. Job well done!

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