
Zoe’s beautiful big girl bed comes with colorful big girl sheets and a quilt. She picked out a fantastic pattern that suits her personality perfectly. It’s bold, bright, colorful and a lot of fun. After we made up her new big girl bed, I realized that the pastel pink and green princess blanket that hung so sweetly over her crib now clashed horribly. Oh. Crap.

Not that it’s the end of the world or anything, but really, it started to bug me. We are transitioning here, after all, and the princess blanket symbolizes baby and not big-girl-who-finally-goes-pee-pee-on-the-potty-already. Then I began obsessing on what to put in its place, as once we take the princess blanket down there’s a big blank expanse of wall that looks goofy. I floundered around trying to figure something out that wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg (having already sacrificed those to buy the new quilt and sheets).

Then, one day, I looked around our kitchen at all her fantastic art hanging everywhere, and I knew exactly what to do.

This is how we spent a good amount of time this afternoon. The finished piece is still drying in the garage, and every once in awhile I steal out there just to look at it some more. I hope I always remember which daubs she told me were fishies and which were people, and that the lime green swath across the top is clouds. There are apparently some sharks in there, too, and houses. She told us, when she was finished, that this is The Forest.

Whatever its title I think it’s beautiful, simply because she created it and had such a good time doing so. I wonder if this something she’ll remember. The trip to Art Mart (one of Mommy’s most favorite stores ever and Daddy’s Hell on earth) to pick out the canvas and the paints. That she got to carry her new throw pillow so we could carefully match the colors. The day she painted a big canvas in the garage. Ah, well, if she doesn’t, I will, and I’ll tell her all about what a great time we had.


  1. https://www.blogger.com/profile/16810696442830225789">Amy Grzina - August 25, 2009 @ 5:44 pm

    I love kid art. LOVE IT!
    Great job, Zoe!

  2. Anonymous - August 28, 2009 @ 7:53 am

    Dude, I LOVE the pic from above with the different bowls of paint. That is awesome!!! And it would be REALLY awesome if Zozer wasn't dressed in all pink!!!

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