Atticus and Spartacus

Tonight, about five minutes after we put Zozer to bed, we got the summons.

“Mommy Daddy!” and before any person, even the fastest human alive, can respond, “Mommy Daddy!”

So we go busting in there and she says, “Guess what? We had a birthday at school today!”

Because this is the sort of thing that’s absolutely vital to an almost-4-year-old and must be shared as soon as it’s remembered.

“Whose birthday was it?”
“Atticus’s. And we got to eat a cookie cake.”

Just saying that makes me laugh. Atticusses.

And I think it’s way cool that she’s got a little kid in her class named Atticus.

Fast forward to a few minutes ago, as M and I are taking a break from the econ mid-term and hanging out in the kitchen eating a little late-night snack. I pointed to Zoe’s school calendar posted on a cabinet that shows Atticus does indeed have a birthday tomorrow.

I said, “You do know where the name Atticus comes from, right?”

M thinks for a minute. “Atticus and Spartacus?”*

After I get done convulsing with laughter, I say, “Uh no. Good shot though.”

He responds, “It’s from some bullshit book like To Kill a Mockingbird or something that I hated to read in school.” He gets a point for naming the correct book, but a debit of 10 points for calling it bullshit. Ask him about his distance-learning literature class sometime and you’ll get an earful about bullshit books. ‘Course, I read those books along with him (just because) and I can testify that some of them actually were bullshit. Not TKAM, though. That’s some good stuff, maynard.

*I dated a guy once who had two yellow labs, Angus and Fergus. Always thought those were two great names for pets. Now I think Atticus and Spartacus would be great, too.


  1. Ping - July 3, 2009 @ 2:51 pm

    Excuse me????? "Bullshit book like To Kill a Mockingbird"???? I beg your pardon. You are speaking about one of the finest books ever written (next to Pillars of the Earth, and that's before Oprah commercialized it). I will have to fight you next time I see you. Consider yourself warned.

    Sorry, Ping, but I also felt the need to come to to the defense of an exquisite piece of literary work.

    Carry on.

    P.S. Aren't we due to lunch sometime soon??

  2.">Amy - July 4, 2009 @ 4:39 am

    Oh my goodness, yes! Name the time, name the place, and then we'll debate it to death for a week, then one of us will forget either the time or the place and come rushing in late.

    'Cause that's what we Pings do.

    (Thanks for the defense of Mockingbird. Mr. Ping is very, very afraid.)

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