June 15, 2009 by Amy
Water Day
All weekend, Zozer looked forward to Monday, because Monday was supposed to be Water Day at school.
Our instructions were simple: bring our children to school in their swimsuits and water shoes (which in our case means Crocs). Directly after breakfast they’d all go out and play in the fountain.
Zoe talked about Water Day from Friday afternoon through the weekend, and this morning was so excited to put on her swimsuit. Our hearts sank as soon as we looked out the window. Clouds. M checked the weather on-line. Storms all day.
Took her to school in her suit anyway, so she’d at least have that fun. (Remember when just wearing your swimsuit was a high point of the day?!)
I’m hearing thunder outside now, so I’m sure she’s already been changed into her regular school clothes. I did want to share how absolutely incredibly adorable she looked in her suit, though. So here she is, with Hoot (of course).
Hoot has taken to mirroring Zoe lately. If she has a boo-boo, he has a boo-boo. If she has a tummy ache, he has a tummy ache. He likes the same food as her and likes to play the same games. So today, on the way to school, I asked if Hoot was also wearing his swimsuit for Water Day. “No, Mommy. Hoot is an owl. Owls don’t wear swimsuits. He doesn’t have a real swimsuit and he doesn’t have a pretend swimsuit.” Again, the “dumbass” was implied.
How am I supposed to know the intricacies of owlage? I guess I’ll just have to keep asking.
(Editor’s note: she actually said he doesn’t have a “re-pretend” swimsuit. Somehow, a long time ago when she first started talking, she got it in her head that pretend is actually pronounced re-pretend. So that’s what she says.)
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