
I went to the “cell phone store” (as Zoe calls it) today (well, yesterday, actually, since right now it’s very early Sunday morning) and adjusted my plan.

I’m breaking my BlackBerry addiction.

I stripped off the data package, which means no more e-mail or internet on the phone. I also lowered my voice plan and blocked text messages because just when I think I’ve got everyone covered with not texting me someone else pops up and sends me a message that I then have to pay for, having never opted to have texting in my plan anyway.

Why did I do this? Several reasons.

  1. Got tired of mainly using the data plan for work, which meant an unreimbursed business expense coupled with the intrusion of business into my personal life. So. Not. Cool.
  2. Figured out having e-mail and internet on my phone was more of a want, rather than a need. Can’t rationalize spending that money every month any more.
  3. Realized that I was obsessed with checking the phone every time I saw the little blinking red light that indicates a new e-mail message has been received.

Ever since the trip West I’ve been itching to simplify. Throw out things I don’t absolutely need or love. Surround myself only with those objects that directly serve to improve my life and the lives of M and Zozer. The data plan not only does not fulfill that objective, but it actually detracts from it. Ugh. Goodbye, data plan.

Why now? The trip served to clarify that I won’t actually expire if I’m not completely and totally connected via e-mail every second of every day. It felt nice to be technology-free in that regard during our 10 days. I guess you could say stripping off the data plan is my way of extending that feeling.

So, I’m approximately fifty smackers a month richer, and I’ve severed the electronic leash.

I’m a little nervous, kinda relieved, and pretty excited.

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