“Duh, Daddy!”

Zoe was complaining the other day that her Crocs were hurting. She’s had them for awhile, so I was sure her feet were outgrowing them. M, wise father that he is, decided to dig into the matter instead of just throwing money at it like his wife does.

He knelt at Zoe’s Croc-encased feet and inspected. She has these little smiley face things that poke through the holes as decorations, and he suspected that perhaps all we needed to do was move them to different holes. He started pressing on her shoes, near her toes, trying to gauge where, exactly, her feet were. She looked at him like he had three heads while he was doing this.

He said, as he pushed down on the top of the Croc in tactile search of her big toe, “Zoe, is this your toe?”

“No, Daddy,” and she pulled her foot away, sat down on the rug (in the way that all little kids do – they just buckle their knees and fall to the ground), and pulled her Croc off. She then pointed to her toe and said, “That’s my toe!” The “dumbass” on the end was totally implied.

We absolutely shook with laughter.

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