Did you miss me?

Oh my.

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve visited, hasn’t it?

Many apologies. Sometimes life gets in the way of blogging, dang it.

So, let’s see. Is a recap in order, or does anyone really want to know what I’ve been up to?

I’m not feeling particularly witty these days, so it might be hard to do a recap that’s really worth reading. So let’s not.

I do have a funny Zozer story from yesterday, though. In the morning, after we had breakfast and I got cards and a balloon from M and Zoe (and Zozer ratted out M by saying, “Daddy brought those up from the basement!” which gives me a clue as to where his super-secret pre-holiday hiding spot is), we got ready for church. Zoe was in the other room and I heard her chirp, “Happy Mother’s Day!” She had already wished me a happy Mother’s Day and we hadn’t seen anyone else yet, so I was curious. “Zoe, who did you wish Happy Mother’s Day to?” “Tachi!” Great. The cat got the same greeting I did.

One of our classes this term is complete. We’re waiting on the final grade to get our final grade. I needed an 80% on the final to get an A in the class, and M needed a 78% or some such nonsense. Seeing as how the final wasn’t nearly as awful as the mid-term, we’re pretty confident.

Should have econ wrapped up by Tuesday of this week, thankfully. Then we’ll have a blissful 2.5 weeks off before tackling Business Law and Managerial Economics, to which I’m strangely looking forward (both of them!). Nerd, I know, but sometimes I can’t help but get all geeked out about stuff.

A week from this Wednesday we leave on our trip. First vacation in 11 years, so yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. I should say we’re looking forward to it. M is tapped out, too, and ready to unplug for awhile. I’ll share our itinerary here later this week. My plan is to post to the blog as much as possible on the trip (keep in mind that I won’t have internet access the 5 days we’re on the train), but don’t hold me to it. I just may decide that the only reason to fire up the laptop is to dump images off my cards to free them up for the next day’s shooting.

I’ve been thinking over my packing list for this trip and have decided to really pare down all things not directly related to photography. Make-up? Gone. Hair dryer? Ditched. Tried to convince M to give up shaving for the 10 days, but he’s not buying into it. Of course, the boy is also considering taking both his laptops, so obviously he’s of a different mindset than I. My goal is to travel as light as humanly possible, although that’ll be a bit difficult given the photography gear I’m insisting on bringing:

Camera body: 1
Lenses: 3
Tripod: 1 (and it’s a heavy mother)
Flash: 1
Plus all the other little crap: CF cards, the card reader, filters, extra batts, etc.

No way am I hitting Carmel/Weston Beach/Yosemite without everything in my arsenal. Gawd knows when I’ll be back, so I better take advantage when I can.

I’ll try to be better about posting here this week, what with the diminished school workload. Although I forsee going into the pre-trip freakout soon, when I decide that we cannot leave until the linen closet is clean because should I be hit by a bus while on vacation I do not want the family members going through my belongings to be appalled at state of my towels. I fully realize that this makes no sense, and yet, I insist on doing it every single time.

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