Being Zoe’d

M and I, quite frequently, find things in places they ought not be, or find that we’re missing items altogether. We’ve discovered that we live with a little sprite who moves things around according to her whim, and therefore we’ve named those occurrances as “being Zoe’d.”

M has been double-Zoe’d in the last two days.

Yesterday, as he was leaving for work, he tried to hunt down his Chapstick. He searched the house for over 10 minutes before I heard him conceding defeat and unwrapping a new tube in the hall bath. “Oh well,” we say, “It’ll turn up sometime.” Sometime for the Chapstick was this morning, when I found it stashed in a laundry basket of pajamas in Zoe’s room. It was, of course, under the top pair of jammies that was no longer folded, which was how I knew it had indeed been Zoe’d.

So that was the first incident.

M flew out this morning for a brief trip to Florida (he returns late tomorrow night). As the plane was landing he went to stow his laptop, which involved seeing the underside of the computer as he slid it in his bag. There it was, the second time he’d been Zoe’d in two days.

Somehow one of her little owl stickers found its way to the bottom of M’s laptop.One of the best things about being a parent is finding small reminders of a little person you love more than anything else in the whole world. All I have to do is put my hand in my jacket pocket and find a pigtail holder or a hair barrette and it makes me smile. Since most of my coat and jacket pockets now have these things stored in the pockets, it’s a regular occurrance.Credit must be given to the photographer of the above image, as he went out of his way to ask me what I thought of his framing. Beautiful, M, just gorgeous. Keep working with that Blackberry camera and you’ll make it to a gallery show in no time.

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