
The weekend was a whirlwind of activity, namely, the wedding of my cousin Michelle. Zozer was the flower girl, and did a phenomenal job of refusing to walk down the aisle (to the point of planting her behind firmly on the floor) and was therefore carried by her father. Who looked quite handsome as usual in his black suit. The big joke was that his name wasn’t in the program.

Got to see tons of family in from out of town, which is always fun fun fun. Cousins Paul and Alison brought twin babies Joe and Mark to stay with us, and we got a peek into what life would be like with more kids. Joe and Mark were perfect little angels…Zozer melted down. She told me later, “Those babies make noises. I don’t like noises. They scare me.” The noises the babies made were typical baby noises, cooing and gurgling. They hardly even wimpered at all, but apparently the cooing was enough to shake Zoe’s world.

She decided to try a plethora of new things to deal with the change, including locking herself in her room, using her rocking bug to climb up on her desk and reach the highest shelves (where, up to now, we’ve been stashing things she didn’t need to have…obviously that’s going to have to change), and digging through and emptying her closet. We’re still missing a few stuffed animals from the rampage, and fear Armadildo may be lost forever.

Anyway, the wedding was absolutely beautiful, and M and I had a ton of fun. Getting to see the cousins, aunts and uncles is always such a treat for us. The best gift in the entire world is being surrounded by family. Who could ask for more? Michelle and Ryan left early the next morning on their honeymoon…we all envy them their warm weather and sandy beaches. M and I wish them a lifetime of love, happiness and fun, and look forward to watching their marriage grow and strengthen.

Me Mum and Papa left early Saturday morning for Jamaica. Again with the envy of the sun and sand. Their vacation is long overdue and much needed, and I hope they come back warm and relaxed and reconnected.

We went to my aunt’s in O’Fallon last night for dinner and to see off my cousin, who was passing through on his way to Toronto. He and he family recently moved from Dallas, and he had finished up business in Dallas and was driving the family car up. We didn’t get to spend a lot of time with him, but enough to give bear hugs and wishes for a bright Canadian future.

So, the weekend was full of family, and full of changes. The future will definitely be exciting!

This week is our mid-term exam, which I’ve been dreading for three weeks now. Our plan is to study tonight and tomorrow night, and possibly Wednesday (we’ll see how it goes), and bang it out before the weekend. The boy has got to get those lights up!

No photographs from the weekend on my end…too busy being Mother of the Flower Girl, and then Party Bus Party Girl. I did, however, get the opportunity to use several other people’s point ‘n shoots during the party bus ride. I like the fact that, despite several beers and no knowledge of these cameras, I can still work the menus to at least turn flashes on and off, and get some decent shots. Too bad I’ll never see them!

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