March 31, 2008 by Amy
And the fork ran away with the poon
M and Zozo had this conversation yesterday, while I listened and, of course, cracked up:
Z: Daddy, eat with a poon.
M: Spoon.
Z: Poon.
M: Ssssssssssssspoon.
Z: Poon.
M: Sssssssssssss
Z: Ssssssssssss
M: Ssssssssssssssssp
Z: Ssssssssssssssp
M: Sssssssssssssspuh
Z: Sssssssssssssspuh
M: Sssssssssssspoo
Z: Ssssssssssspoo
M: Sssssssssssssspoon!
Zozo wins.
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