
Happy Halloween to all you creepy-crawlies in cyberspace!

There’s always that time on Halloween morning when you climb into your car and drive to work and wonder, “Is today really Halloween? Because if I’m dressed up as a Harley biker girl and no one else is dressed up, then I’m going to look kinda silly.”

Like seeing a Harley biker girl driving a four-door sedan with a car seat strapped in the back isn’t silly at all.

Zozo will be visiting the spa this afternoon, which will be the first time she’ll be in her full costume. From there we have quite a few visits to make…since when did trick-or-treating become a city-wide jaunt?! I’m pretty sure this will continue until she’s old enough to say, “Screw this! I’m hitting the houses is my neighborhood and scoring a shitload of candy!” Okay, so hopefully she won’t be saying “shitload” any time soon, but you get my drift.

We carved the pumpkin last night, about which she was wholly unimpressed until it was done. I have a few shots but don’t have them downloaded yet. Waiting for the motherload that will happen throughout today.

In the meantime, to hold you over, here is an adorable shot of her brushing her teeth after her bath one night. I took this with the BlackBerry, which isn’t great quality-wise, but is perfect for sending instantly to M when he’s not home, so he can still feel a part of what’s happening on Planet Zoe.

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