Putting it “out there”

Well, nothing new to report from the roadways of St. Louis this morning. Boring drive in to work…nothing sexually explicit or anything. I must admit I’m not too upset about that. I like to have a nice, calm, morning drive in without testicles or requests (no matter how polite) to show my mammary glands.

One of my dear friends reviewed my work from Grandma’s house and had some very kind things to say about it. Which, of course, always makes me feel great. We are currently having an e-mail discussion about the merits of “putting your work out there,” which I thought I was doing by posting on the blog but really is just the weenie version of “putting it out there” because “out there” on the blog actually only consists of people who love me or, at the worst, like me. It’s a biased audience, so to speak. It’s a safe bet that one of you all aren’t going to send me a message telling me I suck, even when I do. Although I’m guessing that the deafening silence I’m hearing from my “audience” (other than my one friend) about the images from Grandma’s house pretty much means that I do, indeed, suck.

Anyway, my friend, A, suggested that I really put it out there. Send it in to LensWork magazine for review and possible publication (if it ever got past the review stage), get it hanging in some little galleries or coffee houses around town, that sort of thing. I told her I’ll die of mortification when it gets rejected, but she had other ideas. So, basically, I just want to send a shout-out to A and say thank you for supporting me, and for encouraging me to step outside my comfort zone, and to ask which print you would like to buy. Just kidding.

I was thinking about my photographer side this morning, and what I can do to inspire and motivate myself to shoot more. I’m very happy when I’m making images, so it would probably behoove me to shoot on a more regular basis. One of my standard go-to motivators is reading Edward Weston’s Daybooks. Edward Weston, in case you don’t know, was a very talented photographer from around the Ansel Adams time. In fact, they were very good friends (much like me and my friend A…two creatives who respect and admire each other’s work, and who always have a good time when they finally manage to hook up). Edward, as I like to refer to him because I’ve read his Daybooks so much that I feel like I know him, was a highly emotional little man prone to extremes. Like me. Except for the man part. And the little part. Regardless, I think it’s time to haul Daybooks off the shelf and have another read.

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