January 6, 2014 by Amy
snow day
She started the day by watching the snow fall. Footie jammies and all. We hunkered down today and just lazed around. Played some games, read a bit, watched blizzard coverage on the news, made a big pot of chili, etc. M wasn't so lazy. He shoveled the drive. Twice. After Zo went to bed I enjoyed the two hour season premiere of Downton Abbey (M tolerated it) and then the next Bond movie in our series (which M thoroughly enjoyed). It was A View to a Kill, which I love simply for the theme song done by Duran Duran.
Zozo's school was called off for tomorrow later in the afternoon, and mine an hour or two after that. M watched the news where MODOT and IDOT both strongly recommended staying off the roads tomorrow as well due to winds making it impossible to keep clear, and decided he'll stay home with us. This is a huge breakthrough for him; in years past he'd be the first one on the road in the morning, insisting on making it into the office despite hazardous conditions. I will sleep better tonight knowing he's not going to try to make it to work.
I know we are just delaying the inevitable by extending our break for one more day, but I sure am enjoying it.
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