January 3, 2014 by Amy
Woke up feeling like garbage, then spent most of the day in bed. I slept so much I got sick of sleeping, and that never happens.
Felt better late today, so I got cleaned up and helped M make dinner. Then I went to my weekly ACTS meeting. I'm serving on the team for the next retreat, and the formation has been amazing. I leave each meeting feeling better, re-energized, and happy. It's pretty awesome.
Full of energy when I got home, I decided to tackle some tech tasks that have been piling up since we moved. My computer hasn't been backed up, nor my iPhone. The new OS is available for download. Old files needed to be cleaned off. That sort of thing. I hit a few stumbling blocks, like not being able to find the damn external hard drive to back up the computer (huge thanks to M for saving my sanity by finding it for me) and then having to reformat it since Time Machine freaked out over having not backed up in 232 days. All is good now. We're backing up, and downloading Mavericks, both of which seem likely to take all night.
On that note, I'll go to bed. Even though I slept most of the day, I'm tired. At least I got the short-version of the cold that is going around, not the one that lingers for weeks as many I know have struggled with.
So far, I'm loving 2014. Yes, I know we are only 2 days in, but it's already better than last year. We're home, after all!
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