

Grounded by the stomach bug today. I stayed home while the others went out. Saw them off and then slept til 12:15. Must've needed that! I woke up feeling better but still not 100%.

Home tomorrow. I can't wait. I missed my family so much this trip. I think it's getting harder and harder to leave them. Even though I have a blast on this trip each year, and even though I know it's good for my soul to do things that are just for me, it's hard to leave the two people I love most. It's like leaving part of my heart behind. And I know that no matter how much fun I have, I'll always have more with them.

Today Molly the dog kept me company. I read an entire book and relaxed, which was really nice. Except for the stomach issues. The girls found out from our guide today that altitude sickness can manifest itself in the stomach, so our thought is that might be what happened. Especially since it started Thursday night after I got here and since my stomach has been doing remarkably well the last month after we cut milk out of my diet. Wish me luck on the plane ride home! Always fun to travel when ill.

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