Birthday Bug

Yesterday my little Zoe Grace turned two, and I didn’t post anything because I was busy spending the day with her and enjoying every minute of it. We played, ate breakfast and lunch together, read books, and played some more. We did puzzles, played hide & go seek (she’s always the seeker…her choice), and gave lots of hugs and kisses to each other. When Daddy got home, we went to the Zoo. I have shots of her enjoying a couple carousel rides (she loves the tiger, “ROAR!”, but insisted that Daddy take her on the wild boar first…she’s quirky like that), and chasing a peacock in the Lakeside Pavilion. We also rode the train, barked like seals and took turns pushing the stroller (all three of us). We had a great time.

I feel like it was just yesterday that I was at the hospital with her in a little bassinet by my bed. She was so tiny, and even then was a joy to just be with. Many of the other new parents let the nursing staff care for their babies through the night, but M and I elected to keep Zozo in the room with us. She was such a good baby that it wasn’t even an issue. They took her only one time, when they had to give her shots or something, and the two hours she was gone felt like something was missing. The three of us watched Hurricane Katrina unfold on CNN, greeted guests, and bonded.

Life today is considerably different, what with her being quite mobile and increasingly vocal, and having a very distinctive personality (“All done. Right now.”), but it just keeps getting better and better.

M and I talked yesterday about how it’s only been two years out of the almost-ten we’ve been married and almost-fifteen we’ve been together, but the pre-Doodlebug years are hard to remember. I can’t imagine life any other way now, and don’t even want to try.

Thanks to everyone in our lives who have showered us with love, affection, and gifts beyond measure the last two years (plus nine months!). We are doubly blessed to not only have our Zoe Grace, but to have all of you as well.

Happy Birthday, Bug! Mommy and Daddy love you more than anything!

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