blow out

75:365A trim this afternoon. Another step in my attempt to grow out the mop in an organized, non-freakshow sort of way. My usual method of simply stopping going for cuts does not, I've realized, work. I wind up with a ridiculous shaggy mullet of fuzz. It ain't pretty. Then I wake up one day, look in the mirror, and go batshit crazy until I can find a stylist to Then it's cut and M's dreams are dashed and I swear I'll never grow it out again. This time, though, is different. For one, there is way better product available for curly hair. Or I finally have the financial means to shell out for it. Second, I've figured out I don't have to be style-free while growing it out. There's a way to do this in stages, you see. Trims here and there, and whacking off the mullet every couple of months until the top catches up. Anyway, after my trim and demulleting this afternoon, Ruth asked if I wanted it blown out straight. Just for shits and giggles. Why not? I mean, the hundred percent humidity will kill it 30 seconds after I walk out the door, but it ain't my energy to do it. So she blew it out, and I was awed by how long it has gotten (hard to see length on curly hair – it just keeps curling up the longer it gets!) and Zoe pronounced that Mommy looks silly (she's never seen my hair this long, or straight, before). We took a picture in the car to send to Daddy in London, and I love Zoe's expression in the background so it became my picture for today. We sure are having fun this week, just us girls. M comes home tomorrow night, and I can't wait. I've gotten used to having him around a lot and I might have trouble adjusting to his renewed travel schedule.

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between the tracks

73:365Some days you're on the track, gliding along smoothly, almost effortlessly. Some days you're between the tracks, bumping along, struggling, and off your path. Either way, you just gotta keep chugging.

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72:365We took advantage of the beautiful day and spent some time outside after work/school. We wore shorts and sandals and blinded ourselves with pale skin, and it was glorious. I love being at home for a whole week straight. It feels luxurious and wonderful and as it should be.

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dream weaver

71:365M left tonight for a five-day jaunt to fair Brittania, so it's girls week. We have most of our days planned already, and got started tonight with a loom project. It's a Big Secret for Daddy. Since Daddy reads this blog, I cannot divulge the final outcome of our weaving. Also, I'm not entirely confident I'll be able to finish this thing as instructed in the book, so if it turns into something other than intended I won't make a complete ass of myself. "It was supposed to be a locomotive but turned into a hippopotamus."

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70:365Went to a "kindergarten parent happy hour" tonight with M at a local restaurant. Holy fun. It's like having 40 instant new couples friends. We had a blast and met lots of new parents as well as catching up with "old" kindergarten soccer friends. We were relegated to the tent portion of the restaurant, which included very photogenic heaters. I honestly think we could have been thrown together in a cardboard box and had just as much fun. Good times.

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68:365This morning was good. Got Zozer ready for school, then took her. As she hopped out of the car, grinning and laughing and chirping, "Bye Mommyyyy! I love youuuuu!" I realized that she was happy. And that, in turn, I was, too.

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