February 4, 2012
more hundreds
Bouncy balls, marshmallows, and perhaps my favorite: ninja stars!
February 4, 2012
Bouncy balls, marshmallows, and perhaps my favorite: ninja stars!
February 4, 2012
34:365Zoe glued 100 pennies onto posterboard to celebrate her 100th day of school. I've got examples of other students' projects, but this is my photo for today. Because it makes me think of her, and the memory of working on this with her the weekend we moved. It makes me smile. (Note that the pennies are all tails-up. She is, after all, her father's daughter.)
February 2, 2012
33:365I chose "focus"'as my one little word this year, and my mama got me this necklace for Xmas. I wear it daily. I chose focus because I knew that while 2012 is going to be awesome, it's also going to be insane and busy and frantic and trying. I want to remember throughout this year to remain focused on what is really important. A secondary reason is that I'm attempting my first 365. A photograph a day for a year. I'm using the iPhone for this, as I recognize my time limitations are higher than ever right now. Using the iPhone frees me up to shoot the details of my everyday life, regardless of where I am, simply because I always have my phone with me. And I can shoot, edit, and post in under a minute, which will NEVER happen with a dslr. So here's to focus, in all its beautiful shades of meaning.
February 2, 2012
February 1, 2012
31:365Tabasco and lemons for our oysters on the half shell tonight. Sometimes I marvel at how far I've come. When I was in my early 20s, fish sticks were the extent of my seafood adventures. Thank goodness M taught me the importance of trying new things. My life is so much richer because of it.
January 31, 2012
30:365Out of town again. I laughed at the irony last night of simultaneously packing (a suitcase) and unpacking (boxes). Even though I'm used to traveling now, it was strange to leave my home of two days this morning. And frustrating. My mascara was inexplicably separate from the rest of my makeup, and my MacBook power cord is nowhere to be found. Thankfully I had enough time to run into the office and unwire my desk to bring my "permanent" one with me. I meant to work tonight, here at the hotel, but waves of exhaustion are saying otherwise. I think I might actually get to sleep before 10. 9:30 if I'm lucky!
January 30, 2012
29:365Today we moved. Again, essentially. Well, I guess the correct phrase would be "we moved some more," but it really felt like we moved again. Tomorrow, for the first time this school year (because timing is a bitch), Zoe has a project due. She had to choose 100 of something and glue it down to posterboard as they are celebrating 100 days of school. She chose pennies. Cool. She counted them all out and created her design. Then looked at me expectantly. "Oh, right! You need glue!"Well, okay. I know we have glue. I know this because I packed it. In one of the eleventy billion boxes that hold all our stuff. Shit. I found three boxes labeled "Zoe Art Supplies" in the office. Ironically none of them had glue. So I eyeballed the stack you see here, that currently resides in her room. Took a deep breath and dove in. Took about four boxes, but I found it. We glued, and she's thrilled, and I unpacked more boxes. Dining room table is clean. Only 1 box in sight in the living room. Our bedroom is manageable, and all the clothes are put away. We're doing good. Tired, but good.
January 29, 2012
28:365And so we were today. Movers. Tonight? Tonight we are The Moved. Very, very tired, but moved. Still a few things left to bring from home to the "lifeboat" as my FIL so aptly named it, and several boxes to unpack, and the office to set up. But we have beds, and clothes, and cats, and when we are done with boxes they get put away, not stacked along walls and in halls. So it is all very, very good.
January 28, 2012
January 27, 2012
26:365Cabinets aren't the only things that are empty. We are spent. Running on fumes.