January 26, 2012
This week’s observations
Although I select one shot each day to feature here, I take many more. Here are some little samples of what I've seen lately.
January 26, 2012
Although I select one shot each day to feature here, I take many more. Here are some little samples of what I've seen lately.
January 26, 2012
25:365My hard drive started failing in Orlando. One day it bogged way down, then took me four tries to get it to reboot. I gimped along and worked on it for 2.5 days after returning. Monday afternoon I went to the Apple Store where the Genius plugged in a diagnostic cable and wrinkled up his forehead. "Are you backed up?"I wasn't. Because our old, decrepit network at the office is full of outdated garbage and wouldn't hold my 96GB of files. I'm not sure if it was exhaustion or having a hundred other things on my mind or blind faith in my beloved Mac, but I did not lose my shit. I didn't even wince. I marched over to the accessories wall and selected a 500GB external drive. I handed it to the Genius along with my Amex. "Here. Back it up, then replace the drive. Call me when you're done." The new drive is covered under warranty, and the external unit was $110 and something I need for backups anyway since the network is worthless. He said he did not think he'd be able to back it up, but he'd try. I said, "It'll work."Then I left, picked up more banana boxes from the grocery on the way, and came home to work on my personal Mac. At 7:38 that night the Genius called. "I got everything backed up. Your new hard drive is being installed and you should be able to pick it up tomorrow morning."I picked it up, along with my new external drive, but continued to work from home as I had pressing deadlines and no time to reinstall all my software.That was this morning's task. Took me four hours to get everything reloaded and configured, but I'm back in business.And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I'm such a huge Apple fan.
January 25, 2012
24:365Date night with friends. Cicero's for dinner, then Craig Ferguson at The Pageant. Lots of f-bombs. F*ckin' funny. Great f*ckin' night. I'm hoping that M will think it's too late to pack any f*cking boxes when we get home. I'm f*cking tired.
January 24, 2012
23:365Happy birthday to my awesome hubby! He wanted lasagna for dinner, and a quiet family night. I ran for carryout while he picked up The Bug and got her bath started. I got home just in time to hear the giggles in the bathroom, where she announced to him that she was successful in being "a boy and a girl at the same time." She accomplished this by giving herself "pigtails and a beard." We laughed, and that's when I knew we had given him the perfect birthday night. Love you sweet M. Here's to 40 more years of laughter!
January 23, 2012
22:365Those of you who know how much I like order and organization, simplicity and calm, etc. know just how much my inner voice is screaming right now. Try as I might, I can't keep this house from looking like a tornado, hurricane, tsunami and earthquake struck simultaneously. I am dangerously close to hauling it all to the curb and starting over from scratch when the new house is done. One week left. One week, then we move. We'll live greatly scaled back for a few months, and I'm really looking forward to that after getting a startling view of just how much we own. Who knows…maybe when it comes time to move back I really will just chuck it all and start over!
January 22, 2012
21:365Probably the biggest surprise tonight was that he wore the propeller beanie all night. Great night for a great guy. Love you, M!
January 21, 2012
January 20, 2012
19:365Today I used a candy thermometer for the first time in an attempt to make caramels for M's pending 40th birthday. It's a vintage Betty Furness candy thermometer. She is pictured on the front gleefully holding the thermometer and I imagined her saying, "Easy breezy!"Yeah. Not so much. Turns out that making caramel requires a skilled hand and dedicated attention. One can't, for instance, also handle a barrage of work emails and a ringing cell phone. Trust me. Two scalded pots. The smell of scorched sugar. And no caramels. M took it in stride and said that it's the thought that counts. Good man, M. Unlike that b*tch Betty Furness.
January 19, 2012
January 18, 2012