
16:365Lots of good images today but this one is my favorite. My British boss (as opposed to my French boss and my American boss) always wears great socks. I have shot them many times before but today the light was finally right and he was sitting just this way. He's used to me trying to photograph his socks so he didn't move a muscle when I rounded the corner, pulled out my iPhone and dropped to a squat. He just laughed.

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13:365My company sponsored this adorable 14-week old black Labrador to become a leader dog for the blind. She'll undergo over a year of training and then have to pass a test before she's given, for free, to her partner for life. It costs about $40,000 to train one puppy. I am grateful to work for my company, and now I'm also really, really proud. PM me if you want the deets. She's got her own FB page where you can follow her through her training and adventures. Right now she's here in Orlando with me!

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11:365Meeting kicked off with a bang this morning. I debuted a new global video with Collective Soul's "Better Now" as the music bed, after four days of arguing with a Brit whether it was the right song. It was. Long day, and it's not over yet. I spotted these spoons on a tray in the meeting room turned dining hall as the stewards were flipping.Time to go change my shirt and freshen up what's left of my makeup so I can plaster on a permagrin before dinner.

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10:365At least when I walk through the atrium between meetings I can catch a glimpse of the sky. The indoor trees also help. It's still not the same, though. Sigh.

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8:365We've been getting good moving boxes for free off Craig's List. Today, I picked up a box to take it into the bedroom to pack and heard a noise. Upon inspection I discovered a few lonely puzzle pieces at the bottom. They were hiding under the flaps at the bottom of the box. They are going to seriously piss off someone who tries to complete the puzzle some day, but today they made me laugh.

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