Card ritual

We picked up our Christmas cards last night, so after Zoe was tucked into bed I settled on the couch with the lap desk, a snuggly blanket, favorite pen, and a stack of envelopes.

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St. Nick’s Day

St. Nick stopped by last night for Zoe. I didn’t say anything to her when she woke up, as I wanted to see if she’d notice. We didn’t use her shoes, but opted for the stocking on the mantel.

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Choosing to believe

Some days, when it seems like it’s impossible for anything to go right, when it seems the odds are stacked against you, when it seems as though, despite your best efforts, things are still f*cked up…some days you just gotta believe that it will all work out just fine. Even when it seems logistically impossible.

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Brave questions

Some days I feel very, very brave. I’ve got it all under control. I’m handling everything, getting things done, being the person I want to be. Some days I feel not so brave. Things are starting to slip, I can’t get anything done, and I’m not at all who I feel like being.

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1 & 2 of 30 (Gratitude Project)

Day 2
Every morning I walk my daughter to school, and then I walk home. It’s not far, but it’s just long enough for me to walk past the huge line of cars and be thankful that I don’t have to sit in it.

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