October 15, 2011
And…I’m off!
I’m packed (mostly) and my gear is stowed (all of it) and I’m getting ready to leave for the airport in about an hour. I’m going here, to do this.
October 15, 2011
I’m packed (mostly) and my gear is stowed (all of it) and I’m getting ready to leave for the airport in about an hour. I’m going here, to do this.
October 12, 2011
New photography software + insomnia = lots of blog posts
October 12, 2011
Thought I’d work on a few photos since my eyes won’t stay closed.
October 12, 2011
I was on fire today. No, not literally. None of my body parts was physically engulfed in flames. I just mean I was on fire. Highly productive.
October 6, 2011
My very first computer was an Apple IIe. I got it in high school and it was The Shit. I could play games on it, and write my homework papers on it. And I could shove a big ol’ giant five-inch floppy disk in the drive and save my stuff forever.
October 3, 2011
Holy weekend fun! We had a photo walk, a photography garage sale, a football game, and a bonfire / hayride – and that was just Saturday. (Somehow in there I managed to also get the house vacuumed, although the vacuum still lingers in the hallway so I suppose that project isn’t quite completely finished.) Sunday brought mass, a trip to the pumpkin patch, a soccer game, and a roast beef/potato pancake dinner. (Somehow in there M managed to also get some work done for the Christmas display – we’re quite industrious!)
September 27, 2011
Off to New Jersey. Seat near the front. Window. No one next to me. Starbucks in belly. It’s a good day to fly.
(Trying not to miss my bug and my hub.) (Failing miserably.)
September 26, 2011
I’m as surprised as anyone that I’m totally digging this Soccer Mom role. But digging it I am.
September 25, 2011
Zozer and I went to see my Gran this morning.
September 23, 2011
After work I raced home and changed into jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a jacket. And for kicks, I wound my new, way-too-long-softest-material-ever scarf around my neck. Then I walked up to church/school to watch my kid play soccer and my husband coach.