
My very first computer was an Apple IIe.  I got it in high school and it was The Shit.  I could play games on it, and write my homework papers on it.  And I could shove a big ol’ giant five-inch floppy disk in the drive and save my stuff forever.

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Highs…and one low-down dirty move

Holy weekend fun!  We had a photo walk, a photography garage sale, a football game, and a bonfire / hayride – and that was just Saturday.  (Somehow in there I managed to also get the house vacuumed, although the vacuum still lingers in the hallway so I suppose that project isn’t quite completely finished.)  Sunday brought mass, a trip to the pumpkin patch, a soccer game, and a roast beef/potato pancake dinner.  (Somehow in there M managed to also get some work done for the Christmas display – we’re quite industrious!)

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Good day to fly

Off to New Jersey. Seat near the front. Window. No one next to me. Starbucks in belly. It’s a good day to fly.
(Trying not to miss my bug and my hub.) (Failing miserably.)

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Fall goodness

After work I raced home and changed into jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a jacket.  And for kicks, I wound my new, way-too-long-softest-material-ever scarf around my neck.  Then I walked up to church/school to watch my kid play soccer and my husband coach.

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I’m seeing images everywhere again.  This is refreshing, and a relief.  I’m reading a book called Why People Photograph, and just last night I read an essay that discussed artists losing their way, and those who get so lost they never make it back.  That is one of my biggest fears.  I go through dormant periods like anyone, but at those times I become passionately afraid that the dormancy will last forever and my gear will grow dusty, and someday I will have to just throw it all out (because digital gear, as we all know, goes vintage about 30 seconds after you pay for it).  And when that happens there will be a giant hole in who I am.  And how on earth would I fill that?  It’s been a part of my life for so long now, is there anything that could even replace it?  Thinking about this gives me the willies.

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Waiting for the Train

Every year, on Zoe’s birthday, we go to the Zoo.  I worried that the tradition would end this year with her being in school and all, but we just went later in the day when she got out at 3.

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