
My very first computer was an Apple IIe.  I got it in high school and it was The Shit.  I could play games on it, and write my homework papers on it.  And I could shove a big ol’ giant five-inch floppy disk in the drive and save my stuff forever.

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Highs…and one low-down dirty move

Holy weekend fun!  We had a photo walk, a photography garage sale, a football game, and a bonfire / hayride – and that was just Saturday.  (Somehow in there I managed to also get the house vacuumed, although the vacuum still lingers in the hallway so I suppose that project isn’t quite completely finished.)  Sunday brought mass, a trip to the pumpkin patch, a soccer game, and a roast beef/potato pancake dinner.  (Somehow in there M managed to also get some work done for the Christmas display – we’re quite industrious!)

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Good day to fly

Off to New Jersey. Seat near the front. Window. No one next to me. Starbucks in belly. It’s a good day to fly.
(Trying not to miss my bug and my hub.) (Failing miserably.)

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Fall goodness

After work I raced home and changed into jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a jacket.  And for kicks, I wound my new, way-too-long-softest-material-ever scarf around my neck.  Then I walked up to church/school to watch my kid play soccer and my husband coach.

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