
I used the excuse that I hadn’t brought a lunch to leave work and come home.  “Be back later in time to pick up the rental car for my trip to KC!” I said cheerfully, as I breezed out the door.

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Silver lining

Today is a momentous day.  First, it’s my best friend’s birthday.  (O Happy Day, Pookie!)  Second, our nation’s political leaders are narrowly averting financial ruin by passing a marginally acceptable debt package that pleases no one and is likely to hurt many.  (Way to go, asshats.)  Third, this morning, I spotted my first gray hair.  And then my second.  And then I made myself stop looking.

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Fantastic weekend.  The sheer mediocrity…plainness…unscheduled except for those mundane tasks of housecleaning, laundry and grocery shopping.  It was heaven.  It was what I needed to feel like a normal person again.  Getting clothes out of a drawer instead of a suitcase, and sitting at my vanity instead of standing at a generic bathroom sink wondering what funky stuff is growing everywhere.

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Jellies at Shedd

Incredible exhibit. We are now big fans of jellies.
I added no color to these. It’s how they lit the tanks. Love love love the color! Makes my spirit happy.

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Sweet Home, Chicago

I have been remiss in posting here. Too much travel (if there is such a thing). Home now, for at least a few weeks. I want nothing more than to vacuum my house tomorrow.
Going to try to get this space up to date, too. No promises, though. Cleaning the house comes first!

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Waiting for our train

It’s delayed about 1.5 hours. I’m amusing myself by making photographs.
One of the many reasons I love photography. I’m never bored as there is always something to look at/shoot.

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Zoe’s Big Day

Big day for my little girl yesterday.  I took a half day (figured it was fine since I worked all weekend at a trade show downtown…three 15-hours days in a row suck, but at least that last one was capped by an awesome U2 concert!) and we did our thing.

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So much going on these days, and hardly time to document it all!  I’ve been shooting a ton, which makes me happy happy.  I am slowly getting over my “it’s not really photography with an iPhone” hang-up, which is another one of my purely self-inflicted notions.  I see all the wonderful images continually posted on Instagram, and I consider that photography, so why not my own?  Still, clutching the Nikon for three days straight in Arkansas did me a world of good.

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