August 6, 2011
Things I think about when I can’t sleep
This has been a rough week for me. Personally, professionally…every which way. Sleepless nights and tears and questions that, at least for now, seem unanswerable.
August 6, 2011
This has been a rough week for me. Personally, professionally…every which way. Sleepless nights and tears and questions that, at least for now, seem unanswerable.
August 6, 2011
Watching Little House on the Prairie with Zozer tonight. Laura runs out of the house to a small wooden structure.
Zoe: “Is she going to the owl house?”
Me: “Um, no, she’s going to the OUT house!”
August 5, 2011
I grabbed the pile of invitations and Zoe’s new school calendar off my home desk this morning and brought them into the office. I need to plug everything into my work calendar, which gets boosted to my phone, as that’s the only way to keep my family on track.
August 3, 2011
I used the excuse that I hadn’t brought a lunch to leave work and come home. “Be back later in time to pick up the rental car for my trip to KC!” I said cheerfully, as I breezed out the door.
August 3, 2011
Apparently, there really are crazy drivers who harass people.
August 2, 2011
Today is a momentous day. First, it’s my best friend’s birthday. (O Happy Day, Pookie!) Second, our nation’s political leaders are narrowly averting financial ruin by passing a marginally acceptable debt package that pleases no one and is likely to hurt many. (Way to go, asshats.) Third, this morning, I spotted my first gray hair. And then my second. And then I made myself stop looking.
August 1, 2011
Fantastic weekend. The sheer mediocrity…plainness…unscheduled except for those mundane tasks of housecleaning, laundry and grocery shopping. It was heaven. It was what I needed to feel like a normal person again. Getting clothes out of a drawer instead of a suitcase, and sitting at my vanity instead of standing at a generic bathroom sink wondering what funky stuff is growing everywhere.
July 31, 2011
Incredible exhibit. We are now big fans of jellies.
I added no color to these. It’s how they lit the tanks. Love love love the color! Makes my spirit happy.
July 31, 2011
I have been remiss in posting here. Too much travel (if there is such a thing). Home now, for at least a few weeks. I want nothing more than to vacuum my house tomorrow.
Going to try to get this space up to date, too. No promises, though. Cleaning the house comes first!
July 21, 2011
Zoe’s first time hanging out in the Observation Car.