Waiting for our train

It’s delayed about 1.5 hours. I’m amusing myself by making photographs.
One of the many reasons I love photography. I’m never bored as there is always something to look at/shoot.

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Zoe’s Big Day

Big day for my little girl yesterday.  I took a half day (figured it was fine since I worked all weekend at a trade show downtown…three 15-hours days in a row suck, but at least that last one was capped by an awesome U2 concert!) and we did our thing.

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So much going on these days, and hardly time to document it all!  I’ve been shooting a ton, which makes me happy happy.  I am slowly getting over my “it’s not really photography with an iPhone” hang-up, which is another one of my purely self-inflicted notions.  I see all the wonderful images continually posted on Instagram, and I consider that photography, so why not my own?  Still, clutching the Nikon for three days straight in Arkansas did me a world of good.

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And I’m off…

We’re off to Arkansas tomorrow.  What’s in Arkansas, you ask?  Well, if you’re uptight and snobby and sophisticated, you’ll think nothing but sticks and hicks and ticks.  If you’re open to it, though, open to the uniqueness that every new place offers, well, then there’s a whole new world.

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Get over it

I’m sitting in the auto mechanic waiting room while the Zoemobile is being inspected.  Nothing like waiting until the last day of the month to get my license plates renewed, but whatever.

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