June 22, 2011
Oh poor, neglected blog! Why have I forsaken you?
June 22, 2011
Oh poor, neglected blog! Why have I forsaken you?
June 19, 2011
Mass first, and now breakfast at Spencer’s. Father’s Day isn’t official unless you eat at a greasy spoon.
June 19, 2011
Back to Lenexa this past week. Not much to shoot while there, being trapped in meetings for two days straight and all. Had to make myself content with shooting travel images. Sometimes you just gotta take what you can.
1. Ceiling of East Terminal
2. My favorite pictogram ever. Mainly because I’ve been in this position before. More than once. Sigh.
3. Huge storm front rolled in as we prepared to depart. Awesome storm clouds, but the flight attendant nazi made me turn my phone off.
4. After a bumpy flight, sunny upon arrival in KC.
5. The rental car facility at MCI, while waiting in line behind a “Ummm, I dunno, I guess maybe I need a rental car? No, I don’t have a reservation. No, I don’t know what I want. No, I don’t know how long I’ll need it” traveler. Grrrrrr.
June 16, 2011
I’m falling behind in my blogging. Too busy Instagramming to FB and Twitter.
Must not forget my blogging roots.
Two exhausting days in Lenexa, crammed with meetings. Returning home tomorrow with about eight pages of to-do lists (I wish I were kidding) and a computer case stuffed full of poultry vaccine information.
But at least I shall be home!
June 13, 2011
Unpacked. Presents for Zoe given. Mail sorted. Litter box cleaned. Trash to the curb.
In other words, back to reality.
Time for bed!
June 12, 2011
I asked M to take me for a drive outside the Dells tonight, our last night in Wisconsin. He obliged.
I really enjoy hitting the road with no map or itinerary. Mostly because I so rarely get to do it in everyday life. It feels decadent. And it’s always enjoyable.
He enjoyed the straightaway where he took the car up to 120 before backing off the throttle.
Okay, I enjoyed that part, too.
It’s been fun, but we are ready to come home. I miss my sweet girl.
June 12, 2011
June 12, 2011
Holy insanity, Batman.
M said Alex Jordan, The House on the Rock’s creator, was a kook like Frank Lloyd Wright. No way. Mr. Jordan was a bipolar schizophrenic nutjob with way too much money. FLLW was just an egomaniac. I went on sensory overload less than halfway through.
Still glad we went though. It’s a once in a lifetime must see.
June 12, 2011
A wine tasting and tour of Wollersheim winery. Let’s just say the views and photo opps are better than the wine. But I did purchase some wine mustard. And stole lots of pictures and good memories.
Cell phone coverage up here has been horrendous at best, so my uploads are spotty and at odd times. Got tired of battling one bar of reception on the Edge network and gave up for awhile.
June 10, 2011
Wisconsin is seriously beautiful. Taliesin is amazing. FLLW is a kook, but back to being adorably so in my mind. I can’t be in his work and not like the man. I just can’t.
An incredible experience today. A bucket list check-off. Am so, so lucky to be able to do these things. And to share them with my best friend. Even when he’s too tall to fit comfortably inside the walls of Taliesin.
It means “shining brow,” by the way. Taliesin is Welsh for shining brow. Which I knew already but didn’t understand until today when I saw how he situated the house on the hill. Genius.
These are just iPhone snaps. Lots more (exterior only, unfortunately) with the Nikon, for processing after we return home.