
This shot is completely unmanipulated, except for cropping.  I snagged this through that part of the car windshield at the top that’s tinted.  No, not while driving.  I was waiting for my mocha to be made at Starbucks, camped out in the drive-thru.  I realized I was squinting and thought, “Sun!  Holy cow…it’s the sun!”  I dug out my sunglasses (unused for days), popped ’em on, looked up.  And saw this.  Moody clouds shrouding a bright sun.

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We went to Easter Vigil Saturday night. First time since Zoe was born, I think. When they turned off all the lights in the church I realized just how much I missed it. The dark sanctuary slowly lit with candles, one by one. The rituals and rites. The feeling of community. The incense. The music. The reverence.
Outside, a storm raged. The stained glass windows were lit from without in brilliant flashes. It was beautiful, and only added to the mood.

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Zoe’s Big Night

After weeks of doing her chores and saving her money, and some generous donations by loved ones, Zoe had enough to buy her Build-A-Bear. We went tonight. She was so excited that we couldn’t help but be excited for her. I’m also so damn proud I could cry. For the $18 bunny, she had worked for about $11. While this might not seem like a lot, keep in mind that she got there five and ten cents at a time. Sundays are special as she earns a quarter for emptying trash cans. She was laser focused on her goal, too, looking at things at Target frequently and saying, “No, I won’t get that. I’m saving for my Build-A-Bear!”
She selected a pink bunny, and instructed the stuffer that she wanted it “squishy.” She typed in her name, and her bunny’s name, Strawberries, for the birth certificate. She was just beaming the whole time.
After, she wanted to look around at clothes and accessories. She has some new savings goals in mind, having found some things she likes. First up? Party underwear, of course!

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Festive underneath

I talked to M this morning.  He and Zoe chatted about how excited she was today because (warning: double whammy ahead) it was Pajama Day and Babaloo Day.  Pajama Day is, well, pretty self-explanatory.  Babaloo is an entertainer who comes in once a year for an all-school assembly.  He farts and throws toilet paper all around and blows bubbles and does other things that preschoolers find incredibly hilarious.

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