April 21, 2011
Ever notice how hard it is to get the ice cream truck to actually stop?
It’s the universe’s way of saying, “You don’t need no ice cream, fatass.” To which I reply, “F*ck the universe. I’m going to The Custard Station.”
April 21, 2011
Ever notice how hard it is to get the ice cream truck to actually stop?
It’s the universe’s way of saying, “You don’t need no ice cream, fatass.” To which I reply, “F*ck the universe. I’m going to The Custard Station.”
April 20, 2011
Zoe’s teachers have been telling us that she’s thisclose to reading, so we’ve been encouraging spelling and sounding out words and such. This week at her Scholastic Book Fair I picked up a kindergarten level 1 reader (Splat the Cat Sings Flat, if you must know). Last night, she carried it in and wanted to read. by herself. So we snuggled together on her bed and sounded out words together. I was reminded again just how tricky the English language is (we have lots of silent letters, and it seems like “i” is pronounced about a bazillion different ways). She continued reading this morning, doing quite well on her own, and wanted to tackle it again tonight. She is determined to read, and she seems to be really getting the hang of it.
April 20, 2011
My last night in France, I walked the streets of Bordeaux with a colleague after dinner. I needed a tripod, but didn’t have one so there’s some handshake in here. It’s okay. I still love how it captures the feeling of a Bordeaux evening.
April 19, 2011
Just made my first batch of homemade laundry detergent. This recipe had good reviews on the interwebs and is obscenely cheap. Took a bit of elbow grease (had to grate a bar of Fels-Naptha soap), but I watched a PBS special on John Muir while I did it. Ironic, yes?
I’m a regular Martha Stewart, I am. Only without the money. And the sewing ability. And the stick up my arse.
Nevermind. I’m nothing like her. I’m just cheap and have a desire to not harm my family or the environment with unnecessary chemicals.
So excited to try this out! Haven’t been this jazzed to do laundry since we got the front-loader.
April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
Ach, been horrible about blogging this week. Trying to pack too much in, and it’s mostly work-related. My brain is telling me, quite rationally, that I need to incorporate more balance into my life. All work and no play makes Amy cranky, eventually. But right now, my job is making my heart sing. I have so much to do, and I love every. single. bit. I write all day, every day. I consult on how to position issues to both external and internal audiences. I work with a variety of great people in a variety of roles. And I laugh. A lot.
April 11, 2011
Stop booking the damn 6:45 a.m. flight to Kansas City. It’s not fun getting up at 3:30.
Quick trip…back Wednesday.
Not so much for M. He departed this morning for a 2-week APJ tour. (That’s Asia-Pacific-Japan in his world-traveler-business-unit lingo.) Specifically Seoul, South Korea and all over Australia.
Lenexa, KS vs S. Korea and Australia. Good thing I went to France a couple weeks ago or I’d be green with envy. Okay, so maybe I’m a little green anyway.
April 7, 2011
I love my job. Part of it includes sending out news releases to industry publications letting them know the great products and services my company offers. Today, I’ve been given four new pubs to add to my media list: Pig Progress, International Pig Topics, Pig 333, and American Association of Swine Veterinarians.