Another office visit today

Let’s see if medical expert #5 can figure anything out. Seeing the dentist late this afternoon.
After a pretty good day yesterday, I crashed and burned last night. A rush-hour Vicodin helped, except for dinner, which was excruciating. Again.

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I’ve run the medical gamut, and am really nowhere new.  Here’s what I’ve done, in a nutshell:

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Well, Wednesday’s relief was either temporary or an indication I spaced my pain meds appropriately. That night I crumpled again. Yesterday saw a CR scan to rule out a mass in my sinus passage. All clear on that front (thankfully), causing the ENT to proclaim it must be dental. He referred me to an oral surgeon, where I sit waiting to be seen right now. Fun.
Actually, I don’t care WTF they do if it brings relief.
More later. Hopefully pain-free or at least with some solid answers.

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Anatomy 101 – Today’s lesson: Sinus cavities

The visit to the dentist yesterday afternoon was very informative.  First, I learned that Dr. C. is apparently doing just fine as he is currently on vacation in Hawaii and is going to Aruba next month.  Second, I learned that his assistant, Kelly, is da bomb.  And very knowledgable about all things toothy.

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Pain goggles

When it comes, it sneaks up from behind and clobbers me without warning.  The pain swoops up and descends, bringing down a blanket over my view.  Everything, everything, is seen through the haze of pain.  It’s impossible to look around it, or over it.  It mocks my attempts to ignore it by prickling my eyes with tears since apparently a metaphorical vision change simply isn’t enough.

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I shot this first for the pattern, or patteren as Zozer calls it, but it was later, during post, that I saw little slivers of myself and her both reflected, albeit distorted. It only made me like it more. Patteren discovered under the cashier counter at Steak n' Shake. Sidebar: holy mother of all oral hygiene, please please please do something about my painfully swollen gums. Do I not brush 2x per day? Do I not floss regularly? Why must you torture me with pain worse than my c-section? I'm serious. This is really affecting my quality of life and, after three days (and nights) of constant pain, I'm so over it. I'm now on antibiotics, which I hate, but I have no other choice. It's that or the bottle of Jack in the basement, and I still have to go to work. The antibiotics supplement the 800mg of Advil I pop about every four hours just to take the edge off. Jeez. If I'm going to be in this much pain, I'd at least like to have something to show for it. Gaping head wound or something. Swollen gums just sound so damn wimpy. And geezer-like.

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Zoe: how do you spell "wonch?"
Me: there is no such word.
Zoe: yes, there is. "Wonch you sing with me?!"

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This is on the coat rack outside the hall. What a fantastic hat. Stylish hats need to come back, for both men and women.

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