February 27, 2011
Clam Chowder
Home-made. By me. With some Chardonnay. Yay! (The wine was in me, not the chowder.) (Just clarifying.)
February 27, 2011
Home-made. By me. With some Chardonnay. Yay! (The wine was in me, not the chowder.) (Just clarifying.)
February 24, 2011
I had five days of bliss. Five days where my largest concern was misplacing one of my glittens. (Found it, thankfully, under my suitcase.) I had wine almost every night and woke up every morning when my eyes opened, not when the alarm on my phone went off. I watched three movies, finished a book and started another one. I went snowshoeing and shopping. It was heaven.
February 20, 2011
February 20, 2011
Do you think Handy Andy sold the business to Bill? Shouldn't it be called Handy Bill, and rhyming be damned?!
February 19, 2011
First lake on our trek. Walked right out on it. To give you an idea of scale, look for the small, dark specks at the upper left of the snowfield. Those are people.
February 19, 2011
February 19, 2011
What I did and saw today was nothing short of amazing. I walked on snow seven to eight feet thick. I walked on three lakes (Bear, Nymph, and Dream). I fell into "tree wells" and had to crawl out of snow that came up to my thigh. I slid down embankments and walked down snow-covered creeks. I saw Stellar Jays and some little Nuthatches that were overly friendly (think Tippi Hedron). I walked through freshly-fallen snow where there was no trail, where it would be impossible to traverse in the spring, summer, and fall. I fell on my ass and learned how to lean back and "ski" in snowshoes. I laughed…a lot. And mostly was in awe of Mother Nature yet again. That never gets old. I'm already sore but it was worth every ache. More to come. The iPhone allows only a few pix to be emailed at one time, and that's how I'm doing my updating this weekend. So please excuse any fat-finger typos!
February 18, 2011
NEOs…check. Snow shoes…check. Poles…check. Sunscreen…check. Our guide is bringing a locator beacon. I'm simultaneously impressed and a little bit scared.
February 18, 2011
February 17, 2011
View from my second row (!) window seat. Before leaving gate 16, obviously.