Office fun

Many apologies for the absence.  Work has been a maelstrom of confusion and home has been fun and happy.  Between the two, I have not much news to report, or even anything particularly funny.

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Snow day today.  Zozer spent the day at her grandma’s and I worked from home.  Took two breaks.  One was to shovel the driveway, so I guess you couldn’t really call that a break.

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Potties in heaven

Fielding some tough questions this week from The Bug.  It appears we’re back on the ol’ death & heaven subject.  I’m thrilled about that, you know, given my squeamishness regarding the very idea of it.

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Christmas Card ’10

I was very pleased with how our Christmas card turned out this year.  Zozer had this combination on one day to go to school, and I stripped her down and made her re-dress so it wouldn’t get messed up before I could shoot her.  I just loved loved loved the colors.  They fit her vibrant personality.  So a few days later we had our shoot, and I made a ton of exposures, and then edited down and gave a few to M to review.  He and I both liked this one the best, so that’s what we went with.  We got tons of compliments on it, which is awesome.  But I always think it’s fun to show the stinkers, the ones that didn’t quite make the cut. 

And so, here they are.  My little drama queen, during her close-up.  You can tell she’s just thrilled with me in a couple of these.  (If you want to see them a little bigger, just click on ’em.)

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Clare’s Wedding Day (and why I won’t do this professionally)

While we had planned to go to Cincinnati for Cousin Clare’s wedding, and we had planned to stay with Cousins Dave and Meghan (and Rufus!), we hadn’t given much thought to what we’d do, oh, the other 90% of the time we were up there.  Until…Meghan e-mailed me.  And in her sweet, adorable Meghan way, she said (I’m paraphrasing here), “Hey, so, Clare doesn’t want to see any men before her wedding, so Mike’s gotta get outta the house that day since that’s where we’re getting dressed, so he can hang out with the guys in the wedding party at the pub.  Oh, and since you can’t go with the guys to the pub because you’re a girl and you have cooties and the men would feel obliged to not say f*ck and do other manly things like burp and fart around you, and we don’t have anywhere else for you to go when we kick you out of the house, you can hang out with us.  ‘kay?”

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On being messy

I haven’t been blogging much because, well, because I’ve been lazy.  Lazy lazy lazy.  Sloth-like.  A giant slug.  The queen of vegging.  Procrastinator extraordinaire.

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