Kaldi’s light

6:30 am coffee with an old high school photo buddy, and a non-photo buddy. (Where today's image was captured.)12 pm lunch with former colleagues. After work errands, the lights at Tilles, and packing. And I even managed to work today. Little bit. Off to Cincy tomorrow! A New Year's Eve wedding! With a new lens! After two years of waiting, I finally broke down and bought a Lensbaby Composer. So much to be excited about this weekend!

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Honey stop

Stopped at the Honey House on the way back from lunch today. Oh yeah. Sticky sweet happiness in a mason jar from someone's front porch. I bought the big jar this time.

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Holiday/End of Year thoughts

Christmas is done for this year.  Well, almost.  A few things left to do, but they’re fun things and not oh-my-gawd-I-don’t-have-time-for-this things.  Which is what it’s been for what feels like over a month.  Actually, it’s been well over a month.

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More waiting

Waiting for the car to be done. Again. This time it's a CV boot cover. I'm really tired of waiting rooms. This one blasts CNN. Sigh.

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At Sam's, waiting for my tires to be rotated. This is the third trip here…they don't take appointments. Grrrrr. All the other times they've had a 2.5 hour wait. I'm beginning to see why. I've checked out all the DVDs, the books, the magazines. I've people-watched. I helped an old lady understand what "BluRay" means. I surfed and checked out Facebook on the phone. Now I've resorted to taking pictures of display tires.

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Sometimes, when you’ve just clawed your way up from the bottom, life throws a curve ball and you just gotta take it.  Or, in our case last night, life threw a sinker.  Literally.

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