What happens in my brain late at night

This is what happens when it's late at night/early in the morning, and you've had a stressful day, and a fun-filled night, and it's late/early, and you wonder if the iPhone camera can focus through the peephole in your hotel room door. Not too shabby. Huh. Learn something new every day/night. Even while slightly intoxicated. Gawd, I love photography. In all forms.

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What can one do after calling home to say goodnight to a sweet 5-year-old and hearing "I want YOU here, Mama!" accompanied by sobs? One can have a glass of Chardonnay, that's what. Or, you know, a bottle. With green olives, of course. One can also make fun iPhone images while schnockered, one can. M says it doesn't get any easier. God bless all parents who travel.

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We caroled Friday night, but I've been running like mad since then so this is the first chance I've had to post. Waiting for colleagues at the airport. We're going to grab some lunch before our flight to Dallas. Every minute scheduled there, so no photography. At least not with the "real" camera. The iPhone will have to do!More later, hopefully. As I see things that catch my eye or strike my fancy.

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More iPhone camera fun

Every day I take a picture of Zozer and send it to her father. This started as a way to include him daily when he's traveling, but now we do it even if he's in town. Right now, this very second, he's barreling toward Detroit at 471 knots, or 542 mph. He'll get today's pic when he lands.

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New art

Found a new app that allows creative, quick, digital manipulation of iPhone photos. Sweet! Even better, it was free!This was shot a couple weeks ago, but I didn't like it until I could run it through the new app. Now I love it. It feels kind of Jackson Pollocky.

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Zoe tidbits

Last week, the mom of one of Zoe’s classmates came in and taught the kids about Hanukkah. Which is very, very cool. I love that she is exposed to different religions and culture. (Her Catholic grade school will fix that right up in a hurry, won’t it?!) After school that day, she ran to me when I came to pick her up in the gym. “Mommy! Are we celebrating Harmonica?” She was pretty upset when I explained to her that we don’t, in fact, celebrate Harmonica because we are Catholic. So I said, “But we get Christmas instead!” She perked right up. Crisis averted.

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